Support Groups, Blogs, Advocacy

Support Groups

Facebook Support Group: Corn Allergy & Intolerance (Maize, Zea Mays)

Quote: A place to gather and share information to help in the avoidance of corn/maize.

Currently the largest corn allergy/intolerance support group in the world with tight rules regarding sharing safe information.

#supportgroup #support #cornallergy

Facebook Support Group: Celiac AND Corn allergy support group

Quote: This group is to provide solutions for food, recipes, and resources for people with a medical need to avoid Corn and Gluten. This was created because many solutions for avoiding one are excluded by avoiding the other.

#supportgroup #support #cornallergy

Facebook Support Group: Corn Allergy Friendly Group

Quote: This is a group to discuss what has been safe for you and what hasn't been safe for you.

A smaller support group with less restrictions regarding sharing and requesting products.

#supportgroup #support #cornallergy

Facebook Support Group: Corn/Maize Allergy & Intolerance Information Sharing

Quote: Corn/Maize Allergy and Intolerance is a growing problem with little information available to help those affected. We will do our best to add content that you can share with family, friends, contacts, etc. This particular grain unfortunately is found everywhere and in most products that you will come across.

#supportgroup #support #cornallergy

Facebook Support Group: Corn/Maize Allergy & Intolerance Library

Quote: A growing collection of information by, for, and about the Corn/Maize Allergy and Intolerance community.

Books, Movies, TV Shows, Documentaries, Magazines, Podcasts, Websites, Medical Journals, Agricultural Journals, Research, Educational Materials, etc.

Join for the information. Share what you find!

#supportgroup #support #cornallergy

Facebook Support Group: Farming/Gardening - Corn Allergy & Intolerance

Quote: This is a topical group to discuss corn-free gardening and farming practices.

#supportgroup #support #cornallergy #gardening #farming #resource #tools

Delphi Forums Support Group: Avoiding Corn

One of the original, pre-facebook support groups.

Quote: Mutual support for people who need to avoid corn and corn products because of food allergy or intolerance.

#supportgroup #support #cornallergy

Reddit Support Group: Corn Allergy

Quote: The subreddit for sufferers of corn allergy and intolerance.

#supportgroup #support #cornallergy


What It's Like to Live With a Corn Allergy by Heiser, Christina

Celiac Self Care, May 22, 2024

Quote: I recently connected with Amy Graves, the founder of Hidden Consumers Consulting, who lives with a severe corn allergy (which is an unrecognized allergy and relatively rare).

Ahead, I chat with Amy about how she gets through life with a corn allergy and multiple chronic conditions, why she started her consulting company to help food and drink brands be more transparent about the ingredients in their products, and more.

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience #celiac

Eva Mei

YouTube, April 2024-present

Quote: I was dealt a great challenge in life. But watch me make the absolute most of it! Gluten, dairy, corn-free thriving…

#blog #vlog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

The Corn One by Brianne

The Allergy Way, Accessed 2024

Quote: The day he had his first allergic reaction was just like any other day… after his second nap we loaded up the stroller to cruise around our subdivision for an afternoon walk.

I was chatting with my mom on the phone when Mason suddenly started to whine. My baby, who loved going for walks and never cried, was VERY agitated. I peeked under the canopy to see what was the matter and, “Mom, I have to go! Mason is having an allergic reaction!”

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience #child #lo

Corn Free Diet - A Food Mood by Ashley 2023

Quote: Being newly diagnosed with a corn allergy or intolerance is scary. A lot of pages tell you what to avoid, not how to actually eat and have enough calories in the day to manage. In this post (click on the image), I talk about how to eat with a corn allergy. This is what you can eat, what to look for in grocery stores, so that you can cook for yourself. It’s meant to be less overwhelming, because I only talk about what you can eat, rather than to essentially “avoid everything.”

#blog #recipes #cornallergyexperience

Corn Intolerance?? by R

What To, December 21, 2023

Note: Message board post with a mom’s experience trying to get proper formula for her baby, who reacts to corn, from her doctor who she said, “looked at me like i was crazy, saying it [a corn allergy] was extremely rare and he had never seen it in person…”

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience #mom #baby

Welcome to Corn Free: A New Substack About How Corn Is in Almost Everything In America, and How To Avoid It by Rosenberger, Eric

Corn Free, August to December, 2022

Quote: Last week I wrote a post on Reddit’s r/cooking sub that seemed to gain a lot of traction entitled “The Dangers Of Having Corn Allergy In America”. For those who have a corn allergy, there was a sense of relief that there was someone else with the condition they, or someone they love, has.

For those of us in America a corn allergy is more limiting than unless you’ve done a whole lot of research on the subject, you would have no idea how completely corn pervades the American diet, and thus life.

#blog #cornallergy #howto #recipes

Corn/Maize Allergy & Intolerance Blogspot by Lynn 2022

Quote: There are growing numbers of people affected by the grain Corn or Maize which may be expressed as an allergy, intolerance or sensitivity according to how it affects the individual. The purpose of this blog is to share information.

#blog #cornallergyexperience

Imagine Corn Allergies by A Free Life October 19, 2021

Quote: Someone else shared this about celiac disease and I have edited and added to it to be about corn allergies. #allergyawareness #itshouldntbethishardtolive

Imagine Corn Allergies

Imagine, if you will, finding out you have a disease or condition where food makes you sick...

#blog #recipes #cornallergyexperience

My Corn Allergy Recipes - safe for me by Jim 2021-present

Quote: Food recipes for my corn allergy that are safe for me.

#blog #recipes #cornallergyexperience

Corn Allergy by Schneider, Laura

Living Beyond, February 17, 2020

Quote: Corn is one of the most sneaky allergies in that it is so pervasive in our lives. It can be found in sweeteners, foods, candies, soaps, shampoos, and even on meats, cheeses, and in eggs. Those super allergic to corn may find that they can even have a reaction to eating the meat and eggs of animals fed a corn-based diet.

#blog #cornallergy

The Hobbit's Guide to Eating with Food Allergies by Kelly, Diana 2019-present

Quote: Those of us with food allergies often struggle to find tasty, safe, fun food that we can easily make and share with others. This page is a place to find recipes & examples of safe eating for seven square meals a day (or however many you can manage) that are free of peanuts, tree nuts, corn, shellfish, soy, gluten (including oats), dairy, honey, sorghum, cherries, and xanthan gum, and all of their derivatives.

Eating with food allergies can be a bit of an adventure, but what’s an adventure without any dragons? My hope is to make the adventure a little safer and easier for everyone.

#blog #howto #resource #recipes #food #cornallergy

Corn Allergy: Corn Derivatives and Ingredients Containing Corn by Juliana June 28, 2018

Quote: Corn can be found in the sneakiest of places.  Before my allergy diagnosis, I had no idea how much corn has invaded every part of our lives.  Navigating our corn allergy can be extremely frustrating.  I have spent many hours researching and contacting companies.

#blog #cornallergyexperience

Living with a corn allergy. Read your labels, read your labels, read your labels…

If I Can Do It, So Can You, April 17, 2017

Quote: I have a corn allergy…Let me tell you, corn is in EVERYTHING.  Even places you would least suspect. This is one of the reasons I’m such a big label reader.

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Sudden Corn Allergy Almost Killed My Wife by Richard

Gloopa, October 4, 2016

Quote: My wife had eaten maize products all of her life, until one day I arrived home to hear her vomiting in the bathroom due to what we would later discover was a sudden maize allergy (also known as a corn allergy).

#article #webarticle #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience #blog

Hidden Ingredients–Flowing/anti-caking agents by silverpen2013

Silver Pen Blog, January 18, 2016

Quote: I discovered a blog on WordPress called Corn Allergy Girl and since then have spent far too much time reading it, because even though I do not have an allergy to corn, the information the author shares is relevant to me in many ways.  I’ve talked in other places on my blog about how manufactures[sic] are not obligated to list every ingredient that goes into a product…

When ingredients aren’t listed on the label the only options for the consumer are to be aware of the potential and take reasonable precautions, such as avoiding foods that are prepared in ways that are likely to use hidden ingredients, or buying from growers or manufacturers that are less likely to use hidden ingredients, or to call and confirm that the ingredients are not in any product that they wish to buy…

#blog #cornallergygirl #ingredients #transparency #anticaking #flowagents

What's the Cause of Oppositional Defiant Disorder? by Jaclyn

The Family That Heals Together, September 17, 2015

Quote: Today...we avoid corn (and the other foods mentioned) like the plague for Camden. I read every label and we do not cheat. We know that if we do, there will be fall out, and it makes us all miserable. It’s just not worth it. And you know what? ODD is mostly a thing of that past! 

#blog #cornallergyexperience #cornrage

Lactated Ringer IV Contains CORN Byproducts - Beware If You Have A Corn Allergy or Intolerance (Emergency Room Safety Doc Included) by Christina

Lady of Lyme, July 19, 2015

Quote: This post is a bit of a PSA, as I recently learned that Lactated Ringer IV's contain corn byproducts. If you are shocked right now then you are certainly not alone! I was honestly both surprised at first & then sadly the more I thought about it I realized I shouldn't be surprised that they would use a corn byproduct in something that is SO widely used in hospitals. And the crazy part is that as a patient you often have to learn the hard way, because there are no real warning labels anywhere.

I have had a lot of trouble with Lactated Ringers in the past 6-8 months. Each time the symptoms got worse and came on stronger…

#blog #lactatedringer #iv #medicine #ER #hospital #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Corn Gave My Son Depression by Kyle, Ami

Allergy and Depression, September 19, 2014

Quote: The years went by and slowly my happy, confident son started to turn into an introverted and sad boy… At the age of 9 he told me he thought he had depression, and I found myself agreeing with him…once I realized that my son might have a food allergy or sensitivity, I quickly took action... It was difficult, but my son was tested for 72 different food allergens that day. The results were conclusive. He was allergic to oranges, apples, shrimp, almonds, scallops and CORN… None of his reactions were severe, and I remember the doctor saying something like “It shouldn’t hurt him to eat these foods once in a while” but after all the research I had done, I knew better…

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience #mood #behavior

Older Rants from the Chef by Allergen Free Cuisine 2014-present

Why I Blog About Food

Quote: Cooking well while avoiding wheat, dairy, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, sesame, soy and and all other beans, peas, lentils, corn and yeast.

#blog #howto #resource #recipes #food #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Need Help With Corn Intolerance! by livelifelarge24 Forum, April 12, 2013

Quote: After almost two years of being gluten free and getting that totally under control I finally figured out what my one lingering issue was- I don't do we'll with corn products. I ate a lot of tortillas, tortilla chips, corn cereal, etc. before realizing this. I don't have a true allergy, I was tested and had no reaction and my symptoms are digestive rather than anaphylactic.

Anyway I have two questions…

#blog #forum #celiac #cornallergy #cornintolerance

Corn Allergy Girl 2013-present

Personal blog detailing allergy life experience with how to advice, tools, and references

#website #blog #howto #reference #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Corn Free Recipes by MacGregor, Amanda

Amanda and Joe, 2013-Present

Quote: Corn is in everything, making this allergy very hard to manage. Some ingredients to avoid are easy to identify, such as cornstarch and corn syrup, but corn is also hidden in many other ingredients without corn in the name, like baking powder, dextrose, maltodextrin, and much, much more…

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience #howto #recipes

4 Secrets Every Person with a Corn Allergy Should Know by Gilkerson, Trisha

Intoxicated on Life, 2013

Quote: I’ve recently discovered 4 secrets that every person with a corn allergy should know about.

Corn is insidious. No really, it is. Did you know it’s in yogurt? Deli meat? Bacon? Sausage? Potato chips? Toothpaste? Juice? Salt? Yes, I’m now convinced that virtually anything that is not in a whole food form has added corn. Where does that leave someone who has tested positive for a corn food allergy? Oy!

#blog #cornallergy

Surviving the Food Allergy Apocalypse 2012-present

Quote: Denise and Mary Kate's allergy friendly recipe blog. Recipes for food, personal care, and cleaning products and product reviews.

#blog #howto #resource #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Corn Intolerance or Allergic? What does it Matter? 2012-present

Bob's blog has a few entries regarding dealing with his issues with corn.

#blog #cornallergy #resource #archive #cornallergyexperience

Gluten Free Em by Kennedy, Em, 2012-2021

Quote: What is the gluten free diet? What are multiple food allergies? Find out that and more right here! Multiple food allergy safe recipes including corn free, legume free, nut free, egg free, dairy free, citrus free, annatto free, carrageenan free, and more!

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience #howto #recipes

Corn Allergy-The Real Story from Mom Life TV 2012-2021

Quote: Being frustrated with doctors, pharmacists and the medical community that often have no idea how to deal with severe corn allergy, women have formed their own online communities to support and help one another. Nicole Jurain has collected hundreds of letters from moms and women concerned about corn allergies. 

#blog #reallifestories #resource #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Corn Allergy Mom by Lisa 2012-2016

Quote: I’m Lisa, and I live in the Central United States with my husband, son, and 2 cats. I split my time between being a part-time college professor and stay-at-home mom. Our son Owen has been allergic to corn since birth, in addition to having other food allergies and intolerances. Our cornfree journey has been long and trying at times, with numerous medical issues to juggle other than corn allergy, but we’ve come through it knowing our son is healthier than we ever thought he would be. My goal is to help anyone dealing with corn allergy, whether it be you or a child. No one should have to walk such a difficult path alone.

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Corn Sensitivity - comment thread from June 11, 2012

A comment thread discussing corn reactions among people with celiac disease.

#blog #celiac #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

A Day in the Life with Corn Allergy by Violets April 11, 2012

Quote: Welcome to my un-corny life...a series of vignettes interspersed among real food allergy (intolerance?) discussion.

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Corn Freedom by Joy March 26, 2012

Quote: I wanted to take the opportunity to speak a little more about a corn allergy- the reason why we've been without a formula for so long.

Awareness needs to be raised for corn allergic individuals. A corn allergy is a difficult one to live with. A corn allergy is overwhelming when you first realize that is what is causing reactions to trigger.

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience #fpies

Why This Blog? Clues From My Freezer by Corn-Free Goddess August 24, 2011

Quote: This morning I cleaned out my freezer.  I threw out all kinds of things...every single thing I was throwing away had a common ingredient that would have made me chuck it all anyway. Really?  What does flatbread have in common with a popsicle, and what does that have in common with a box of chicken breasts?  The answer is in the last two things I listed.  Seriously????  Seriously.  Yup, it's corn.

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Company's Corn-Free Claims - Why you can't trust it. by V August 23, 2011

An explanation as to why we can't trust a products claim to be "corn-free".

#blog #resource #cornfree #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Live Corn Free by Rosen, Sharon 2010

Quote: Live Corn Free is an expression of my personal mission to increase awareness of Food Allergies, specifically with regard to Corn - and what it really means to be Corn-Allergic today.

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Corn Allergy Aid by Smith, Michelle 2010-2017

Quote: Finding out you have a food allergy can be devastating. I think my first thought was, "What does that mean?" You ask your doctor and he says just avoid that food. It's just a skin test. They aren't entirely accurate.

I am going to attempt to give you ideas and recipes on how to avoid corn. It can be quite the challenge.

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Corn Allergies In A Corn Based World by Book, Ethan

The Epicurious Blog, September 12, 2008

Quote: Recently, some family friends of ours have been dealing with some difficult food allergies that their children have. Because of this, my interest was really piqued when I came across a little snippet in "The Stockman Grassfarmer" about corn allergies.

#blog #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Avoiding Corn by Vishniac, Ephraim, July 30, 2007

Quote: The purpose of these pages is to assist people who need to avoid corn in their diet, for whatever reason. What I know about this topic is a combination of what I've learned through research and experience, and what I've heard from a number of friendly netizens.

#blog #resource #cornallergy #cornallergyexperience

Avoiding Corn: News for Corn Avoiders - Corn Allergy & Intolerance 2006-present

An archive of resources for News, Research, and Testimony to aide in the complete avoidance of corn/maize.

#blog #cornallergy #resource #archive #cornallergyexperience

Advocacy and Non-Profit Organizations

Center for Science in the Public Interest

About us: CSPI was founded in 1971. For over 50 years, we've held industry and government accountable to the public health and advocated for a safer, healthier food system.

#advocate #foodsystem #labels #labeling #laws #resource

Food Allergy Research by FARE

Quote: Whether you're newly diagnosed or you've been managing food allergies for years, FARE is here to support you. Find resources for children, teens and adults and get connected to others in your community.

#allergies #research #website #FARE #nonprofit

Food Equality Initiative

Quote: Since 2014, Food Equality Initiative has been committed to ending hunger in the food allergy and celiac disease community. In 2022, we broadened our service to include all diet-treated illnesses and conditions, fully embracing the Food is Medicine movement.

At FEI, Food is Medicine has two major faces. We believe that food is medicine to treat medical conditions such as food allergies, celiac disease, Crohn’s Disease, eosinophilic esophagitis, diabetes, hypertension, and more. We also believe food is medicine to prevent illness and improve overall health through the regular consumption of nutritious food, otherwise known as nutrition security.

#allergies #nonprofit #advocacy #food #FEI

Natasha Allergy Research Foundation

Quote: Our mission is to bring about positive change by focusing on medical research, law and policies, educating and raising allergy awareness. We want to ensure the needs of people living with allergy are met in a meaningful way and to offer a real hope that will change the lives of all those living with this life-threatening disease.

#allergies #research #website #nonprofit #UK

Red Sneakers for Oakley - Food Allergy Awareness by Debbs, Robert and Merrill

Red Sneakers for Oakley is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit committed to educating and advocating for food allergy awareness.

Recent article July 17, 2023 regarding corn allergies.

#allergies #research #website #nonprofit

The Allergy Lawyer, Francoeur Law Office

Quote: Empowering people with food allergies. Francoeur Law Office is a full-service law firm that specializes in helping those with food allergies live better lives through education, litigation, advocacy and systemic change.

#attorney #lawyer #allergies #foodallergies #advocate #education

Stein & Vargas, Mary C. Vargas

Quote: Ms. Vargas is committed to ensuring full and equal access for all individuals. She has litigated landmark cases pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act throughout the United States in federal and state courts… Ms. Vargas speaks nationally on issues including disability discrimination, food allergies and anaphylaxis, and Celiac Disease.

#attorney #lawyer #allergies #foodallergies #celiac #advocate #education

World Allergy Organization

Quote: The World Allergy Organization (WAO) is an international umbrella organization whose members consist of 108 regional and national allergology and clinical immunology societies from around the world. By collaborating with member societies, WAO provides direct educational outreach programs, symposia and lectureships to members in nearly 100 countries around the globe.

#allergies #research #website #nonprofit


Online petitions work best when you do more than just sign by Maxouris, Christina

CNN, June 23, 2020

Quote: Do they make a difference? Well, it’s complicated.

There’s no true measure of success for petitions. That’s because, in order to be effective, they almost always are paired with dozens more actions carried out by the organization or individuals who drafted the petition and by the signers themselves.

So while it’s often hard to credit outcome – like new legislation or a company’s decision – directly back to the signatures that may have pushed for that result, those who study digital activism and those who help craft campaigns say the greatest power of petitions is bringing together crowds behind an ask and often acting as an entry point for many of the signers’ journey to activism...

So after you jot your name down, take a moment to think about all the actions you could take to build on your signature.

“If you don’t have time to become actively involved, you might consider donating money to the cause or using your social media networks to signal boost its message,” Clark-Parsons says. “Know that all of these small actions can add up.”

#article #news #change #petitions #advocacy

UK: Add corn to the allergens that must be listed on food labels by Hughes, Andrea

Petitions UK Government and Parliament, August 2023

Quote: Recognise corn as a common allergen so it is more clearly labelled on products. This should include when it has been used to create the ingredients used in a product.

Corn is everywhere. It’s becoming impossible for those with allergies to stay well due to its overuse and lack of labelling.

#advocate #petition #change #labeling #label #foodlabel

Urge Food Companies to Stop Hiding Ingredients. Protect People with Dietary Restrictions started by FIG, 2022

By signing this petition, you're urging food manufacturers—big and small—to commit to telling us EVERY. SINGLE. INGREDIENT.

#advocate #petition #change #labeling #label #foodlabel

Please help parents of children with corn allergies. Add corn to food allergen labeling. by Kat, 2017

Quote: It’s time for food products containing corn and corn-derivatives to be CLEARLY LABELED -- like any other common food allergen. Tell the FDA to add CORN to the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act today.

#advocate #petition #change #labeling #label #foodlabel Corn Allergy Petitions Search search for corn allergy turns up many petitions.

#advocate #petition #change #labeling #label #foodlabel